Poker-very-Brat na Final Table das 2021 WSOP

O 2021 WSOP #19: $10.000 Seven Card Stud Championship ficou nas mãos de Anthony Zinno, mas para além da terceira bracelete da carreira do simpático campeão, a Final Table será recordada como mais um episódio do PokerBrat. Phil Hellmuth e a sua mundialmente famosa reputação de ter curto pavio apresentaram uma cena que muitos condenam e declaram inaceitável.
Phil Hellmuth is a scumbag
— Thomas Keeling (@SrslySirius) October 12, 2021
Uma das vozes das World Series Of Poker, Norman Chad, reagiu:
Was @phil_hellmuth out of line last night at the final table of the WSOP $10,000 stud final table?
Unrelentingly, unacceptably, unspeakably.
All the bracelets in the world do not excuse that behavior at the table. Ever.
It’s GOTTA stop, buddy.
— Norman Chad (@NormanChad) October 12, 2021
Phil Hellmuth respondeu com a cortesia que, para os mais atentos, este também demonstra de quando em vez, numa mensagem que ocupou dois posts:
1 I went too far in my rant. 3 things: 1.) I love @AntZinno and he KNOWS me/loves me and he enjoyed my rant. 2.) Anyone that watched the whole broadcast knows I said, “This is a joke: I’m afraid ill get called out for it: if I don’t win, I will burn the place down.” Next thing…
— phil_hellmuth (@phil_hellmuth) October 12, 2021
2 next thing I know, it’s edited out of a clip and someone calls me a “scum bag.” It’s an old school joke. 3rd: I did not throw cards at the dealer, I threw them down hard. My rant was out of line. I have been encouraged by many to be the “Poker Brat,” but I went too far
— phil_hellmuth (@phil_hellmuth) October 12, 2021