Arranca hoje o EPT Open Sochi com um Platinum Pass em jogo

O Casino Sochi recebe a partir de hoje a segunda edição do PokerStars EPT Open Sochi.
Até 13 de Outubro serão disputados 24 eventos com destaque para perto de um milhão de euros garantido no prize pool dos mesmos.
O Main Event de 133.000 rublos, aproximadamente €1.870, é um dos pontos de ineteresse do festival. Este torneio terá início no dia 9 deste mês, com o campeão a ser coroado apenas quatro dias depois, no dia 13. Como é natural, o High Roller com o buy-in de 257.600 rublos (~€3.600) também é um dos destaques do cartaz, que deverá levar os jogadores russos de carteira mais abastada para as mesas.
Apesar destes dois eventos concetrarem grandes atenções, o foco de muitos jogadores estará voltado para o Moneymaker’s Road to PSPC Sochi, torneio que foi adicionado ao festival e que vai oferecer um aclamado Platinum Pass para o PokerStars Players Championship (PSPC) Barcelona.
Principais torneios do EPT Open Sochi:
- EPT Open Sochi Main Event: 9-13 Outubro – RUB 133,000 – RUB 70,000,000 Garantidos
- Moneymaker’s Road to PSPC Sochi: 11-13 Outubro– RUB 10,500 – Platinum Pass adicionado
- EPT Open Sochi High Roller: 12-13 Outubro – RUB 257,600
Relembramos que este Platinum Pass vale $30.000 (€26.466) e que inclui, além da entrada no PSPC, seis noites em Barcelona para duas pessoas, com hotel, viagens e despesas.
Calendário do EPT Open Sochi:
Hora | Número do Evento | Nome | Buy-in | Stack inicial |
4 de Outubro | ||||
12:00:00 | #1 | PL Omaha - Single Re-Entry | 23,100P | 20,000 |
12:00:00 | #2 (1A) | NL Hold'em - Weekend Deep Stack - Unlimited Re-Entry - Play to 15% | 18,200P | 50,000 |
18:00:00 | #2 (1B) | NL Hold'em - Weekend Deep Stack - Unlimited Re-Entry - Play to 15% | 18,200P | 50,000 |
20:00:00 | #3 | 70,000 Satellite - Win your seat at 100,000 chips - Unlimited Re-Entry | 8,050P | 10,000 |
5 de Outubro | ||||
12:00:00 | #2 (1C) | NL Hold'em - Weekend Deep Stack - Unlimited Re-Entry - Play to 15% | 18,200P | 50,000 |
14:00:00 | #4 (day 1) | NL Hold'em - Unlimited Re-Entry | 70,000P | 20,000 |
20:00:00 | #5 (day 1) | Main Event Satellite - Win your seat at 100,000 chips - NO CASH ALTERNATIVE - Unlimited Re-Entry | 15,050P | 10,000 |
6 de Outubro | ||||
12:00:00 | #2 (day 2) | NL Hold'em - Weekend Deep Stack - Unlimited Re-Entry - Play to 15% - Final Day | 18,200P | |
12:00:00 | #4 (day 2) | NL Hold'em - Unlimited Re-Entry - Final Day | 70,000P | |
14:00:00 | #6 | NL Hold'em - Bounty - Single Re-Entry - 100 CU Bounty | 18,200P | 20,000 |
20:00:00 | #7 | Main Event Satellite - Win your seat at 100,000 chips - NO CASH ALTERNATIVE - Unlimited Re-Entry | 15,050P | 10,000 |
7 de Outubro | ||||
12:00:00 | #8 | PL Omaha - Single Re-Entry | 32,200P | 20,000 |
16:00:00 | #9 | Main Event Satellite - Win your seat at 100,000 chips - NO CASH ALTERNATIVE - Unlimited Re-Entry | 15,050P | 10,000 |
20:00:00 | #10 | Main Event Satellite - Win your seat at 100,000 chips - NO CASH ALTERNATIVE - Unlimited Re-Entry | 15,050P | 10,000 |
8 de Outubro | ||||
12:00:00 | #11 | NL Hold'em - Deep Stack - Single Re-Entry | 32,200P | 50,000 |
16:00:00 | #12 | Main Event Satellite - Win your seat at 100,000 chips - NO CASH ALTERNATIVE - Unlimited Re-Entry | 15,050P | 10,000 |
20:00:00 | #13 | Main Event Satellite - Win your seat at 100,000 chips - NO CASH ALTERNATIVE - Unlimited Re-Entry | 15,050P | 10,000 |
9 de Outubro | ||||
12:00:00 | #14 (1A) | NL Hold'em - EPT Sochi Open Main Event - 60 Minute Levels - 70,000,000 Guarantee | 133,000P | 30,000 |
16:00:00 | #15 | Main Event Satellite - Win your seat at 100,000 chips - NO CASH ALTERNATIVE - Unlimited Re-Entry | 15,050P | 10,000 |
20:00:00 | #16 | Main Event Satellite - Win your seat at 100,000 chips - NO CASH ALTERNATIVE - Unlimited Re-Entry | 15,050P | 10,000 |
10 de Outubro | ||||
12:00:00 | #14 (1B) | NL Hold'em - EPT Sochi Open Main Event - 30 Minute Levels - 70,000,000 Guarantee | 133,000P | 30,000 |
12:00:00 | #17 | Main Event Satellite - Win your seat at 100,000 chips - NO CASH ALTERNATIVE - Unlimited Re-Entry | 15,050P | 10,000 |
18:00:00 | #14 (1C) | NL Hold'em - EPT Sochi Open Main Event - 30 Minute Levels - 70,000,000 Guarantee | 133,000P | 30,000 |
20:00:00 | #18 | NL Hold'em - Unlimited Re-Entry | 18,200P | 20,000 |
11 de Outubro | ||||
12:00:00 | #14 (day 2) | NL Hold'em - EPT Sochi Open Main Event - 60 Minute Levels - 70,000,000 Guarantee | 133,000P | |
14:00:00 | #19 (day 1) | NL Hold'em - Single Re-Entry | 32,200P | 20,000 |
20:00:00 | #20 (1A) | NL Hold'em - Moneymaker’s Road to PSPC - Unlimited Re-Entry - Play to 5% | 10,500P | 20,000 |
22:00:00 | #21 | High Roller Satellite - Win your seat at 100,000 chips - NO CASH ALTERNATIVE - Unlimited Re-Entry | 29,050P | 10,000 |
12 de Outubro | ||||
12:00:00 | #14 (day 3) | NL Hold'em - EPT Sochi Open Main Event - 75 Minute Levels - 70,000,000 Guarantee | 133,000P | |
12:00:00 | #20 (1B) | NL Hold'em - Moneymaker’s Road to PSPC - Unlimited Re-Entry - Play to 5% | 10,500P | 20,000 |
14:00:00 | #19 (day 2) | NL Hold'em - Single Re-Entry | 32,200P | |
15:00:00 | #22 (day 1) | NL Hold'em - EPT Open Sochi High Roller - Single Re-Entry | 257,600P | 50,000 |
20:00:00 | #20 (1C) | NL Hold'em - Moneymaker’s Road to PSPC - Unlimited Re-Entry - Play to 5% | 10,500P | 20,000 |
13 de Outubro | ||||
12:00:00 | #14 (day 4) | NL Hold'em - EPT Sochi Open Main Event - 75 Minute Levels - 70,000,000 Guarantee | 133,000P | |
12:00:00 | #22 (day 2) | NL Hold'em - EPT Open Sochi High Roller - Single Re-Entry | 257,600P | |
14:00:00 | #20 (day 2) | NL Hold'em - Moneymaker’s Road to PSPC - Unlimited Re-Entry - Play to 5% | 10,500P | |
14:00:00 | #23 | NL Hold'em - Single Re-Entry | 12,600P | 20,000 |
16:00:00 | #24 | NL Hold'em - Single Re-Entry | 32,200P | 20,000 |